Applying for a grant

The application period runs from 1.1. to 28./29.2. each year. 


The application is made using the electronic form. The application form is available from the beginning of January. 


The application form and the necessary attachments are completed online. Mailed applications will not be accepted by the foundation. Only the applications for which an application form is sent electronically before the application deadline will be considered.

Filling in the application form

The application form and the necessary attachments are completed online. Mailed applications will not be accepted by the foundation. Only the applications for which an application form is sent electronically before the application deadline will be considered.

A resume, and a research plan of up to three pages, excluding literature, are attached to the online service as attachments (the literature list does not need to fit on the three pages). The attachments should include information on the applicant's past activities, a list of publications and a cost estimate for the research project. A cost estimate is not needed if the grant is itended to be used wholly as a working grant. There is no need to attach publications.


The research subject's of awarded grants will be published on the foundation's website. Under the section "Justification for the grant", the applicant should briefly explain the aims and methods of the study, the significance of the expected results and possible applications.

The application must be sent through the online system to the Foundation before the closing date. Recommendations are delivered through our electronic recommendation system. Once the application is sent it can not be edited. If you wish to edit your application before sending it, we suggest saving a draft in the application system. Late applications and statements will not be considered.


A letter of recommendation is mandatory for doctoral candidates but they are not recuired for postdoctoral researchers. Please note that the system does not automatically send out a request for a statement to the person(s) indicated on the form and the applicant have to ask the person(s) themselves to submit their statement.


The foundation's decision is made at the latest in June, usually in mid-May, and communicated to all applicants per email.

Read more about submitting statements