The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation
The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation promotes scientific research and literature. The foundation fulfills its mission primarily by providing personal working grants to individual researchers in Finland in the fields that the foundation supports.
About us
The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation was founded in 1935. During its existence, the foundation has been responsible for promoting scientific research and literature. The foundation fulfills its mission by providing grants to researchers, as well as to scientific institutions and universities.
The foundation’s fund consists of assets bequeathed and donated by Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth. Thanks to the positive development of the invested assets of the foundation, the value of the foundation has increased significantly. The foundation awards grants of a total sum of approximately 3 million euros annually.
The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation was established in 1935 to promote scientific research and literature through grants. Over the past decades, the foundation has been focusing primarily on promoting research in the humanities as well as the social and bio sciences.
The Ella and the Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation provides grants for scientific research every year. The foundation awards grants primarily to postdoctoral researchers and for the completion of doctoral theses. The open call is annually in January to February.
Grants awarded
The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation provides grants and scholarships each year in its spting open call. Take a look at past grantees as well as funded research topics and projects.
Annual Open Call: January–February
Applications are received through the online Application system.
The application period for grants is in January-February.
Funding-decisions are normally done before May and communicated to all applicants. Grants can be paid out in June, at the earliest.
The purpose of the foundation has from the beginning been to support Finnish research, science and culture. According to Ella Ehrnrooth’s deed of October 26, 1935, the purpose of the foundation is “to promote scientific research and writing, and with the funds available to that effect, to assist scientists and literature, or to support scientific institutions and establishments”.

Ehrnrooth Foundations
The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation is one of four Ehrnrooth Foundations. Combined the Ehrnrooth Foundations support science, research and societal projects with approximately seven million euros annually.
The other foundations are:
- The Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. Supports research in mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and medical chemistry.
- The Louise and Göran Ehrnrooth Foundation. Supports education, culture, societal projects, agriculture and environmental protection.
- The Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth Foundation. Supports medical research.
Today, the Ehrnrooth Foundations have a combined value of over 400 million euros. Together, these foundations enable the positive development of already high-quality research in Finland to continue.